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上海民办常青藤学校小学第三届Spelling Bee 英文拼词大赛完美落幕

上海民办常青藤学校小学第三届Spelling Bee 英文拼词大赛完美落幕


At Shanghai IVY School, building a good vocabulary is considered very important. In fact, the children are given ten new vocabulary words a week in a weekly spelling sheet and a spelling test at the end of each week. Over the course of the school year, each child learns 400 words a year! Learning lots of words helps the children as they speak, listen, read, and write in their daily English lessons, taught by both foreign teachers and Chinese teachers.

上海民办常青藤学校小学第三届Spelling Bee 英文拼词大赛完美落幕

2023 年 2 月 17 日星期五,上海常青藤学校举办了第三届年度拼写比赛!所有外教在 2023 年 2 月 16 日星期四举行了模拟拼写比赛,每个学生都有机会参与,并且选出了每个班级的前三名拼写者。

On Friday, February 17th, 2023, Shanghai IVY School held its 3rd annual Spelling Bee! All of the children got a chance to participate as all of the foreign teachers held a Mini-Spelling Bee on Thursday, February 16th, 2023, in order to determine the top three spellers in each and every class.


Then, all of the Y1 and Y2 children gathered in the gymnasium to watch the Y1 Spelling Bee in the morning on Friday. Next, they watched the Y2 Spelling Bee. How fun it was to see the excitement as each child stepped up to the microphone to take their turn to spell the words.


Later on, in the afternoon, all of the Y3, Y4, and Y5 children took their turn to gather in the gym to watch the Y3 Spelling Bee. Next, they all watched the Y4 and then the Y5 Spelling Bee. The children in each year level used the words that they had studied in Semester 1 in the weekly spelling sheets.


The children were very excited and some children confessed that they felt a little scared as the words were read to them. They were not sure if they would be able to spell them, but when they did, they were filled with jubilation, and jumped for joy, and all of their friends celebrated their success with them. When the students did not spell a word successfully, they learned that it is OK to fail as long as they did their best. Tomorrow is another day, and next year’s spelling bee will be here before you know it as time flies like an arrow, so they will get another chance.


All of the children were grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Mini-Spelling Bees as well, and it was all done in a spirit of fun and learning. The children tried hard, and everyone’s hearts were filled with love and laughter.


In the Spelling Bees on Friday, there was a lot of energy as the foreign teachers pumped up the crowd and got everyone in a great mood. Fun music was played at the beginning of the event to help to make the atmosphere fun and energetic. The judges listened carefully to each word by the participants, and the excitement swelled until, at last, the winners were declared:


Y1 Spelling Bee Winners

1st: Leo(Y1A)

2nd: Yuri(Y1C)

3rd: Alvin(Y1C)


Y2 Spelling Bee Winners



3rd: Oliver(Y2D)


Y3 Spelling Bee Winners



3rd: Damon(Y3A)


Y4 Spelling Bee Winners





Y5 Spelling Bee Winners



Three-Time Champion







First, Second, and Third place finishers got Gold, Silver, and Bronze Spelling Bee Certificates.


All of the winners and participants had a fantastic time, and fun was had by all, for everyone had a wonderful time at Shanghai IVY School’s 3rd annual Spelling Bee!

国际学校网《上海民办常青藤学校小学第三届Spelling Bee 英文拼词大赛完美落幕 》原文地址:https://guojixiao.com/z/35110.html


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